Saturday, 22-Feb-2025 17:22:23 UTC
Mount Vernon, August 2, 1755.
[The Army und'r the Com'd of G: Braddock] has met with an unfortunate defeat, which has occasioned my ret'n]54 from the Ohio;[This circumstance enables me to order] the Militia of the several Countys in my district, to meet me and I have therefore taken this earliest oppertunity of inform'g you of it; that you may not be troubled ab't any but Eastern Shore Countys, unless you will undertake to exercise the whole (saving the two Frontier Countys viz Fairfax and Prince Win. which I will take the trouble off) for the Consideration of 40,£'s if you accept of this offer, I shou'd be glad to know it before the first of Sept. and I have enclos'd you a Mem'm. of the appointed times that I have desit'd the Officer's, and Militia of each County to meet, that you may proceed accordingly. I am Sir, etc.